- 8樓工作室8F STUDIO
A co-working space based in Tainan. For teachers in arts, literature, language and environment to start your classes.
The office building overlooks the Confucius temple right in Tainan city. Lots of green spaces & good food around. - SPACE 空間
There are 7 desks, a meeting room. Facilities include: printer, screen, refrigerator, drinking fountain etc...
活動教室租借: 3hr/ $1000,適合15人以下使用。長期使用可優惠。(不希望一次性租借)
Rent: 3hr/$1000,under 15 people. Negotiable for long- term uses.
- CONTACT 聯絡與發問
請留言. 麻煩先詳細的介紹自己的課程或需求,感謝!
Please leave a message or write an email to introduce yourself in detail, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you.
- ADDRESS台南市府前路一段283號8F-18F-1, No.283, Sec. 1, Fuqian Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 700, Taiwan